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Bu sayfada Sithpedi Discord sunucusunda bütün üyelerin uyması gereken kuralların detaylı açıklamalarını bulabilirsiniz. Unutmayın, kural ihlallerinde yönetim yaptırım uygulayacaktır ve sunucu refahı adına ihlal olmaksızın insiyatif alarak yaptırım uygulayabilir. Sunucudaki susturma ve benzeri yaptırımlara karşı çıkmak için temyiz formumuzu kullanabilirsin.

Sunucuda bulunan bütün üyeler bu sayfadaki kuralları açıklamaları ile okumuş kabul edilir.

  • Adult content (+18) is prohibited
    Sharing or discussing adult content, such as explicit imagery or discussions involving explicit topics, is strictly forbidden in the server. This helps maintain a safe and comfortable environment for all members.
  • Discussions about religion, language, race, and war/politics history are prohibited
    To avoid unnecessary arguments and respect everyone's beliefs and opinions, discussions regarding sensitive topics like religion, language, race, and war/politics history are not allowed in the server.
  • Sending threatening, offensive, obscene, coarse, hate-filled, or unwanted messages; and messages or materials targeting language, religion, or race are prohibited
    Any form of hate speech, offensive language, or discriminatory behavior towards others is strictly forbidden. This ensures a respectful and inclusive environment for everyone in the server.
  • Advertising other Discord servers, websites, groups, or pages is prohibited
    Unauthorized promotion of external content, such as other Discord servers or websites, is not allowed. This helps prevent potential scams and maintain the focus on the server's core topics.
  • Pirated content is prohibited
    Sharing or discussing pirated content is not allowed, as it not only infringes on copyrights but also goes against Turkish laws and Discord Terms of Service. This rule ensures respect for creators' work and legal compliance.
  • Your username must be mentionable
    Sharing or discussing adult content, such as explicit imagery or discussions involving explicit topics, is strictly forbidden in the server. This helps maintain a safe and comfortable environment for all members.
  • Sharing personal information of others (phone number, e-mail address, photo, etc.) is prohibited
    In our server, respecting others' privacy and refraining from sharing personal information is crucial. This rule not only ensures compliance with Discord's Terms of Service but also helps members feel secure and protects their privacy. Members who share personal information may face legal consequences from Discord or the member whose privacy they violated.
  • Creating drama is prohibited
    Stirring up unnecessary drama within the server is not allowed, as it can lead to conflicts, division, and discomfort among members. This rule promotes a positive and peaceful environment.
  • General etiquette rules are important and required
    Adhering to basic etiquette, such as being respectful to others, avoiding spam, and refraining from using offensive language, is essential for maintaining a healthy community atmosphere. This rule ensures a respectful and enjoyable experience for all members.
  • Sharing spoilers outside of designated spoiler channels is prohibited
    To respect everyone's enjoyment of new content, sharing spoilers outside of designated channels is not allowed. This rule provides a grace period of 2 weeks for members to experience new content without being spoiled.
  • RolePlay (RP) in the server is prohibited
    Engaging in RolePlay within the server is not allowed, as it contradicts the server's mission of providing accurate and clear information. This rule helps maintain focus on the core content and purpose of the server.
  • Engaging in long, irrelevant, empty, or meaningless conversations outside of the bot command channels is prohibited
    To keep the server's content relevant and valuable to all members, long and pointless discussions should be confined to designated bot command channels. This rule ensures that the server remains focused and engaging.
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